Faith in the face of fear

  She’s almost all grown up.  But I still worry.  And each time I do, she reminds me not to.  Really, I should know better by now.  Forgive me if you’ve already heard this story, but here’s the reason why.    Almost 13 years ago, I got the call I had always feared. She was five years old and they didn’t know where she was. As I drove to her school, all I thought was “if only”, and “what if”. In between I screamed and prayed for me. Then I cried and prayed for her. I begged God to bring her…


Afraid of the dark?

  If you happened to be out and about earlier this week, you may have caught sight of how big and full the moon was in the night sky.  Waxing and waning through its phases, it seemed to be begging to be noticed.  I recalled childhood memories of riding in the family car, perceiving the moon illuminating our way as we headed home.  Without knowing why, I knew there was something comforting about that.  My daughter teased me, suggesting that I must have felt like the center of the universe, with the moon revolving around little old me.  Maybe, maybe…