Coaching: Email-Interview with yours truly

Normally I email-interview someone living and/or working a specific aspect of wellness and well-being.  However, due to some unforeseen difficulties, today that somebody is me. I am often asked questions about my work providing Psychological Coaching, so I thought I would share some of those answers with you. What is Coaching? I think of coaching as a dance. It is a chance for you to find your own rhythm and harmony.  People typically consider coaching when something in their lives is feeling off balance, uncomfortable or unmanageable.  As I see it, coaching is a way for a person to find…


Anxiety and depression checklist (K10)

For many of us, this is a particularly stressful time.  With so much going on, and so much yet to come, what worked before may not seem to be working this time around.  Our coping strategies and habits can be challenged when faced with so much change and uncertainty.  Are you stressed or are you in distress?  This quiz may help. If you are having a mental health emergency, please do not complete this survey.  Instead please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. This simple questionnaire aims to measure whether you may have been affected by depression…