HELP. That was what I was sure I needed so many years ago. I was 19 years old, on my own, far from home, and I was asking for money.
How difficult it is to ask for what we want, especially when we are in the midst of the struggle. Now in reading that old letter, my fears and concerns were clearly very serious and real. I had no idea how I would make it. It seems to far away, but I can still feel it’s intensity in my chest and in my toes, even now, so many years later. But as scary as my situation might have been, somehow I still hated to ask for help. I already knew what my dad was going to say, “make sure you have exhausted all your resources first”. Ugh! For someone who wants what I want when I want it, I never got used to hearing that. But I have to admit, this requirement has served me well over the years.
Even if I didn’t realize it at the time, it has always been a reminder that my Dad believed in me. He believed that I could do It – whatever it was. It was a reminder that I have within me all that I need, even when I think I don’t. Of course, all I heard at the time was no. Whether I said it or not, all I could think was, “I don’t want to!” “It’s not fair!” or “It’s too hard”! While all that was true, it was also true that it would be okay…even when I didn’t get my way. As predicted, after much trial and error, I discovered what worked for me. I eventually found a technique of “Asking For A Miracle”. I can’t tell you who authored it, but it has been critical to me in finding my way through the impossible, to exhausting my resources. So I’m sharing it with you. If you know who penned it, please let me know so credit can go where it belongs.
Believe it or not, the first step to noticing and accessing your miracle is to identify five things you have done right in your life. In so doing, you can begin to see what is already within you, recognizing how it has been expressed, in ways big and small. It is evidence, real life examples that you can do this because you already have.
Next, identify five powerful ways that you can contribute powerfully to the world RIGHT NOW. This is a point of action. This is the moment of moving from I can to I am. To give you an example, here are five from the last time I Asked for a Miracle:
- I can speak about what is right
- I can continue to be there for those in need
- I can love and care for my children
- I can love even when I don’t feel like it
- I can be willing to go where God sends me
These were mine at the time, but yours may be different. These will likely speak to your values, to what is most important to you in your life. They may be considered “the shoulds” that are true and most meaningful to you, and may help you know where to look for your miracle.
Finally, identify five things that you are grateful for RIGHT NOW.
My letter to my Dad ended with a statement of thanks and appreciation. That is the most important part to receiving your miracle. Know that you have all you need and be glad.